Three CELTS students at Berea College


Volunteer Opportunities

Each year, CELTS needs student volunteers for our one-time and ongoing community service programs. Learn more about the volunteer opportunities we offer!

In CELTS, we engage students in service, but also provide opportunities for leadership and learning. Our center serves as both an operational base and service site for a host of programs. Interested students can learn more about how to get involved with individual programs through the Volunteer Extravaganza.

What makes our programs unique is the fact that students serve not only as volunteers, but also as Program Managers and staff for each of the service-based programs we host. Their responsibilities include:

  • recruiting and training volunteers,
  • planning and executing weekly program activities,
  • facilitating team meetings and
  • mentoring team members to develop the same skills.

We use a leadership development model that emphasizes:

  • peer mentoring
  • students sharing knowledge with each other
  • student leaders’ facilitating service and learning experiences for those they lead

Our programs exemplify the success we have with nurturing student leaders and living the practice of learning through service.