How to apply to study abroad
In order to study abroad, students must complete Berea’s internal application in Via by the following dates:

1. Verify that you are indeed eligible.
2. Apply for a passport ASAP if you do not have a current one.
3. Explore program options!
Explore your options in Berea's new education abroad software - Via. Simply log in with your Berea email and password to get started. In Via, you can filter programs by such as country, language, subject, term and many more. You can favorite programs too.
4. Visit Peer Advising in Woods-Penn 207.
5. Discuss possibilities with your Academic Advisor.
6. Plan how you will fund your program.
7. Apply in Via for Berea's approval to study abroad. Don't forget to apply to your program of choice too!
9. After acceptance, complete enrollment forms for Berea in Via.
Students who do not complete the enrollment forms by the stated deadline will have their eligibility to study abroad revoked.
10. Attend Berea’s Orientation session(s).
11. Complete any required paperwork/orientation for your program of choice.
12. Head overseas!