Berea Bridge
Berea Bridge is a free, four-week program aimed at easing a student’s transition from high school to college. During Bridge, students take a 1-credit college-level course that introduces the academic skills, attitudes, and behaviors that will help them succeed at Berea College. Courses are reading- and writing-intensive and challenge students to think in new ways. Throughout the program, faculty members and student mentors support students’ efforts and development.
Berea Bridge does more than prepare students for classes; it introduce students to the College’s Labor Program and the social joys of life at Berea. During Bridge, students have an on-campus labor position, and earn scholarship reimbursement money for their work. Students work in many departments, including the College Farm, Facilities, and Crafts. Outside of classes and labor, students participate in a small mentoring group so that they can get to know a few peers and a more experienced student, and students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of fun on- and off- campus activities.
Bridge prepares students to start their college careers with tremendous momentum and a supportive cohort of classmates. 100% of previous Bridge participants say they feel more prepared for Berea than before the program began. We know that you’ll agree!
Warm regards,
Dr. Sarah Adams
Director, Berea Bridge