Political Science
Frost Building, Berea College

Berea College

Political Science

Graduates receive a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Political Science (PSC). A minor is also available. As an interdisciplinary major that operates through philosophical, historical, and behavioral lenses, PSC provides an understanding of how people attempt to deal with ordered relationships in institutions through the study of political organizations. Students might pair their PSC major with a minor in Sociology, Philosophy, Economics and Business, or Peace and Social Justice Studies among others.

Opportunities & Internships

PSC students have done internships and gained practical experience with a vast array of organizations outside the classroom, including but not limited to: Habitat for Humanity, activist groups, State legislatures, the United Nations, NATO, Southern Poverty Law Center, Shephard Alliance, Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, City Managers office, the White House, as well as local and national political campaigns.

My internship was probably one of the best things I could have ever done with my time at Berea. I had my internship at Russell Immigration Law Firm, PLLC, in Louisville, Kentucky. During my internship, I was able to use skills that I obtained during many of my political science classes and my LES classes. I was also able to grow these skills and learn many new ones. I highly recommend anyone to do an internship; you won't regret it.


Careers & Outcomes

Our liberal arts perspective and rigorous emphasis on analysis, writing, and speaking prepares students for careers in almost any area while being politically literate and good citizens. Berea Political Science graduates find employment or continue their studies in a wide variety of fields and occupations, including but not limited to:

  • Policy Analysts
  • Law
  • Education
  • Government service
  • Journalism

In four short years, the Berea College Political Science department oversaw and encouraged my intellectual development as I grew from an idealistic student to a researcher and scholar.
