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Professional Development Resources

Professional Development Resources

Berea College Community Strengthening Initiative (BCCSI)

The Berea College Community Strengthening Initiative (BCCSI) is a program meant to encourage Berea College staff to attend at least one on-campus event per month, if possible. For more information, please visit this webpage.

Do you want to request professional development funds from your Vice President for a conference, training, certification, etc.? If so, simply fill out the form here.

The College’s Administrative Leadership Council (made up of the Administrative Committee, Associate Vice Presidents, and Directors) and Staff Forum leadership indicate that the top five requests for professional development from staff members are:

  • Funds to attend or present at conferences and workshops;
  • Increased frequency and levels of technology training;
  • Certification training;
  • Job-specific skills training; and
  • Leadership skills development, including tools for running an effective meeting.

Priority allocation for staff development funds is given to 1) strategic professional development of staff to ensure that employees with promotional potential receive training to prepare them for the next step in their career progression at the College; 2) staff with credentials that require continuing education; and 3) staff presenting at a conference; and 4.) Technical skills training for new job related technology.

Instructions for Professional Development Proposals

Proposals should describe the activity, provide a budget, and indicate the amount of funding requested. Obtaining the support of your immediate supervisor is a required part of the application process. Awards are made on a first-come, first-served, basis and are subject to the availability of funds.

Travel Policy

Please note that all who receive funds involving travel must adhere to the Berea College Travel Policy.

Report on Completion

Staff who receive Staff Development Funding are to submit a report via email within 30 days of the completion of the project via email to a designated staff member within the Division (Staff members in the academic division are not required to complete a report after their project has been completed, but their requests initially are sent to Jim Strand).

Please note that your direct supervisor’s electronic signature is required on this form.

If you experience any technical difficulty with this form, please call ext. 3210.