- Academic Achievement Awards & Graduate Scholarships
- Academic Program Assessment
- Academic Year Key Dates (2024-2025)
- Bingham Entertainment Fund
- Curriculum and Advising
- Faculty Satisfaction Survey
- Faculty Support & Achievement
- Institutional Accreditation (SACSCOC)
- Katherine C. Christensen Scholarship Fund
- Staff
- Tuesday/Thursday Schedule (2024-2025)
- Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Program
Office of Academic Affairs
The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for the coordination of departments, policies, funding, and the assessment of the performance of all departments and centers within the Academic Division of the College. It is responsible for the departments of instruction; the instruction of the student body; the recruitment, hiring, workload, and performance review of the teaching faculty; all matters pertaining to the effectiveness and well-being of the faculty; and the maintenance and review of the curriculum. In addition, the office provides oversight for the General Education curriculum, the advising program, and enrollment management.
Art & Science Final Report: https://secure.berea.edu/secure/myberea/documents/AS-Berea_College_Final_Report_2-24-23.pdf
This document and its contents are not to be revealed to individuals or organizations outside of Berea College without the permission of both Berea and Art & Science Group.