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Melissa Wills
Melissa Wills
Interim Associate Director of Housing
Melissa Wills
Office Location
Woods-Penniman Building, 302

What is one thing you wish you had known when you first started college?

“Its okay to ask/state what you need and its even better to talk to someone you don’t know!”

If you had to pick three words to describe yourself, what would they be?

“Weirdo, Smiley/Laughy, Attentive”

What is your favorite spot on campus?

“The balcony in Woods Penn and the 3rd floor lobby of Deep Green (and maybe Kettering) – I love looking out and seeing the mountains. Especially when the leaves turn in fall!”

What is one quote you live by?

“Be humble for you are made of the earth, be noble for you are made of the stars.” – Serbian Proverb

Other details:

“There is a really calm spot behind the Draper building – when you need some peace, go there.”

“Advice to share: It is okay to find your people, but do not limit yourself from creating lifelong relationships just because you “don’t think” you have things in common. People can be really amazing – talk to them and find out for yourself!”

  • B.A. African American Studies; Berea College
  • M.A. Organizational Leadership, MAE Student Affairs in Higher Education; Western Kentucky University