Counseling Services
The goal of Berea College Counseling Services is to meet the personal and developmental needs of individual students. We provide a safe, confidential, and welcoming environment for all persons that seek our services. We are committed to the promotion and celebration of diversity. Our services are available to all currently enrolled Berea students and their partners.
The mission of Berea College Counseling Services is to provide a professional and confidential setting for the psychological, emotional, and developmental support of a diverse body of students as they pursue academic goals and explore personal growth. Counseling Services play an essential role in serving Berea College students through individual and group counseling, referrals to campus and community resources, and programming to support and enhance healing, growth, and development. Counseling Services helps faculty and staff by providing consultation regarding concerns about a particular student and training and outreach on common mental health issues that can impact a student's performance.
All professional counseling services are completely confidential. No one, including parents, relatives, friends, or college staff, has access to any information about a student without their consent. The only exceptions are suspected child abuse, threats to harm self or others, emergency hospitalization, or civil lawsuits when one's mental state is an issue in the case.
Services Offered
Individual counseling is an opportunity to talk with a counselor about anything you choose and work on issues the two of you have defined. Sessions generally last about 50 minutes.
Here are a few examples of the types of help available:
- Treatment for anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues
- Stress management and relaxation training
- Couples therapy (one partner must be currently enrolled)
- Family of origin issues
- LGBTQIA+ affirmative therapy
- Treatment for trauma experiences (current and/or past abuse; trauma-related events)
- Skills Training to address executive functioning (difficulty filtering distractions, prioritizing tasks, keeping items and information organized, and memory impacting academic performance).
You may encounter distressed students needing additional assistance coping with the pressures and challenges they are facing. You may play a crucial role in identifying and referring these distressed students. Following are some frequently asked questions about emotional distress.
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Contact Us
Berea College | Fairchild 100 | CPO 2174 | Berea, KY 40404 | 859-985-3212 | counselingservices@berea.edu