

MoneyWi$e is a joint Initiative of the Labor Program Office, Academics, Financial Aid, and Career Development designed to increase the financial wellness of the College’s community members. This Initiative draws on several of the Great Commitments, but mainly the Seventh, about supportive and sustainable living: “To maintain a residential campus and to encourage in all community members a way of life characterized by mindful and sustainable living, health and wellness, zest for learning, high personal standards, and a concern for the welfare of others” (emphasis added). In the extracurricular MoneyWi$e 101 series, students Learn to Earn. One hundred students total, 25 from each class year, can earn $100 per semester, each semester consisting of three sessions, each consisting of an online hour and an in-person discussion hour, totaling six hours. Students will prepare with a Moodle unit and discuss the topic with their peers during an evening or weekend session. Six topics structure the MoneyWi$e 101 class across four years, remaining constant while growing with the students in their adulting process:

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4
WorkRead a PaycheckDiscern VocationPay v BenefitsSalary Negotiation
SaveInvest in Yourself!Savings PlanStart Plan to Retire401k Allocations
SpendStudent BudgetsNatl Spending Ave.Cost of Living by CityInsurance
OweTuition Free PromiseDebtCredit ScoresMortgages
InvestTime Value MoneyStock Market Struc.Investor TypesPicking Stocks
Retire Retire by DecadeSocial Security FutureSavings to IncomeStewardship/Give Back

As Labor Supervisors, please partner with us!

  • Encourage students to apply for MoneyWi$e 101 through the email invitation they will have received.
  • Invite us to a Free Labor Meeting for a Create Financial Wisdom Workshop tailored to the needs of your group.
  • Participate in a Retirement Ready Workshop for faculty and staff – coming soon

Contact for more information or to partner with us!