Bereans have never wavered about the power of education to transform a person’s life and even an entire family’s trajectory. As Abraham ’26 planned for college, he had excellent options—even full-ride scholarships elsewhere. He had to ask not only “what is the value of a college degree?” but also “what is the value of this college’s degree?” Abraham decided on Berea not just because of its no-tuition promise but also because he knew that Berea has the additional value of being carefully designed to meet the needs of students of high promise from families of low means.
A crucial part of the value Abraham was seeking included professors who truly relish spending time working with students, not only for instruction but also for support, encouragement, and advice. Like many of his classmates, Abraham is a first-generation college student. During his first semester at Berea, he felt overwhelmed by the transition to college life, being away from home, and the new rigors of college-level academics. Unsure how to cope and questioning his ability to continue with his Berea education, he went to his advisor, Dr. Althea Webb.
“I can confidently say that Berea has changed my life, “Abraham said. “I have been getting an education tuition-free for the past two years. In that time, not only have I grown as an individual, I’ve also grown as an academic, and I’ve gained invaluable experience from working in service-based programs.”
As people around the country question the value of a college degree, we are presented with an opportunity to restate Berea’s case for students of high promise and low means. Thank you for helping us to make this case—for Abraham and all our students. A Berea education is priceless.