Pest Control

Pest Control

Berea College Facilities Management provides pest control services to college buildings, residence halls, dining commons, and rental housing. Typically, both the interior and exterior of our buildings are serviced on a monthly basis.

Integrative Pest Management is an environmentally-sensitive approach to pest control with minimal pesticides. Our program is designed for achieving long term, environmentally sound pest suppression through the use of a wide variety of technological and management practices. Control strategies in our program extend beyond the application of pesticides by prioritizing structural and procedural modifications that reduce food, water, harborage and pest access points.

The typical pests covered are cockroaches, rats, mice, bees, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, flies silverfish and all other vertebrates. Wildlife services are also available through our pest control provider to manage such pests as squirrels, raccoons and birds using catch and release methods into the college’s extensive forest.

Urgent Situations


  • Kentucky Department of Agriculture Pesticide License
  • University of Kentucky Pesticide Short Course (completed yearly)
  • Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources Commercial Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (in progress)
  • OSHA 10 hour