Endowed Report Recipient Information

Endowed Report Recipient Information

Berea College, unlike other colleges, depends on its endowment return and federal and state funding to cover annual budget and operating costs. Berea is able to provide Tuition Promise Scholarships for all students with the help of donations from loyal alumni, friends and organizations who give to the Berea Fund. Some donors set up an endowed fund, similar to an investment account that provides money every year to support a student’s education. Although it does not mean you will receive additional money, you are the recipient of at least one of these endowed scholarships.

As the recipient of an endowed scholarship, we require that you complete the form below. We understand that you are very busy but cannot overstate the importance of thanking these donors—hearing from you would be truly special for them and would demonstrate the impact of their generosity on current students while helping to secure continued funding for future Bereans. Though our goal is to demonstrate appreciation to endowed fund donors for their support, our priority is protecting the privacy and dignity of Berea students. In your statement directed to Berea donors, please only share what personal details are comfortable for you. To receive the grant funds, completion and submission of the below form is required. If you would rather not complete the below form, please email so that we can reassign the endowed scholarship to another student.