Horse-Powered Harvests

The Draft Barn at Berea College Forest is the home of Berea College’s nine equine employees. It sits on over 50 acres of managed pasture land. Students contribute to the daily operation of the farm, gaining hands-on experience in equine care, pasture management, and barn management.

The Suffolk Punch is an English breed of draft horse developed in the early 16th century for farm work. When agriculture mechanized, the breed almost disappeared. We are involved in the preservation of the breed, whose status is listed as critical by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. Lucy (pictured above), who was foaled and raised at Berea College, is now learning to work in the forest.

The Department of Forestry embraces the traditional practice of animal-powered logging on the Forest wherever feasible. Students work alongside staff to preserve this piece of Appalachian cultural heritage while harvesting timber for Berea crafts and local mills in a sustainable manner.