About Convocations
Each student is expected to attend seven Convocations during fall term except during their term of graduation. Every student should become familiar with the Convocation rules which are published each academic year in the Student Handbook and Calendar. Some events in the Convocation schedule—often music or drama—usually last longer than 1 hour and 15 minutes. Students should not attend these longer events to receive credit if they cannot stay the full time. The Convocation events are presented in Phelps Stokes Auditorium unless otherwise indicated, or announced beforehand. As events are subject to cancellation, please refer to emails sent with a notice of change.

A significant part of a student’s educational experience at Berea College is offered through lectures, symposia, concerts and the performing arts. These events present outstanding personalities who enliven the intellectual, aesthetic and religious life and perform an important educational role. These Convocations also provide common intellectual experiences for students, faculty, and staff leading toward the establishment of a unified academic community.

Convocations are designed as a supplement to the curriculum, augmenting general education in regular classes, bringing ideas of wide interest to all students, regardless of their focus of studies, and bringing contemporary issues and personalities into the curriculum. The breadth of Convocations offered during a student’s academic career at Berea College provides a sampling of thoughts and personalities from a wide spectrum of academic fields and the performing arts. By the very nature of intellectual inquiry, some speakers will present perspectives on complex issues that not every member of the community will agree with, nor does the College endorse the views of Convocation speakers. Respect and serious attention are expected and respectful responses are permitted and even encouraged in the Q&A period following the speaker’s address.
Since its inception, Berea College Convocations has made lectures and the performing arts available without charge both to Berea College students and to the public. Persons wishing to contribute to the endowment fund for Convocations are invited to contact the Alumni, Communications and Philanthropy Office at 800-457-9846.