


The BCC Andrew Baskin Resources Area

The resource area named after the first BCC director and current BC professor Andrew Baskin is host to over 200 holdings. These resources include an array of journals, magazines, books, videos, music and DVDs. The campus community is welcome to borrow materials, by “checking out” the resources. Titles are on topics that relate to Africans in the Diaspora:

  • African
  • African American
  • Afro-Caribbean
  • Afro-Latin
  • Afro-Asian

The center offers monthly Book Shares and Video Viewings of materials offered in the resource area. The resource area is inside the Black Cultural Center.

Andrew Baskin portrait where he wears a gray and white tie.

Herbert Douglas Collection

The Collection is named after Dr. Herbert Douglas, who donated over 200 books to the Black Cultural Center and the African and African American Studies Department. Dr. Douglas is a social scientist who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toledo and is a former professor at Rowan University. Dr. Douglas has written an impressive number of books on the subjects of the Civil Rights Movement and anti-poverty activism. His works include “Migration and Adaptations of African American Families within Urban America,” in Minority Voices: Linking Personal Ethnic History and the Sociological Imagination and Taking Sides: Clashin Views on Controversial Issues in Race and Ethnicity. These resources in the collection include an array of journals and books dating as far back as the 1930s. The campus community is welcome to borrow materials, by “checking out” the resources. The center offers monthly Book Shares and Video Viewings of materials offered in the resource area. The resource area is inside the Black Cultural Center.