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Aims of General Education

Aims of General Education

  • aesthetic, scientific, historical, and interdisciplinary ways of knowing;
  • religion, particularly Christianity, in its many expressions;
  • Berea College’s historical and ongoing commitments to racial (traditionally black and white) and gender equality, as well as to the Appalachian region;
  • the natural environment and our relationship to it;
  • the roles of science and technology in the contemporary world;
  • U.S. and global issues and perspectives.
    • read and listen effectively; write and speak effectively, with integrity and style;
    • think critically and creatively, and reason quantitatively;
    • develop research strategies and employ appropriate technologies as means to deepen one’s knowledge and understanding;
    • work effectively both independently and collaboratively;
    • resolve conflicts nonviolently.
      • deepen their capacities for moral reflection, spiritual development, and responsible action;
      • develop an openness to and knowledgeable appreciation of human diversity, in terms of race, gender, class, religion, sexuality, language, and culture;
      • cultivate their imagination and ability to discern connections, consider alternatives, and think about topics and issues from multiple perspectives;
      • think and act in ways that promote peace with justice;
      • develop habits leading to lifetime health and fitness.
        • Discussion and lecture;
        • Student-initiated learning;
        • Experiential learning (for example, service-learning, travel, internships, etc.);
        • Collaborative learning.
          • Critical Thinking: Students will use sound reasoning and strong evidence when drawing conclusions or constructing arguments. 
          • Communication: Students will express, develop, and support ideas with awareness of purpose and context.
          • Research and Information Literacy: Students will locate, evaluate, and accurately cite sources that are appropriate to the goals of their research.
          • Quantitative Literacy: Students will accurately interpret mathematical information and incorporate relevant quantitative evidence in their work.
          • Intercultural Competence: Students will accurately and respectfully express or relate the complex interplay of history and experiences that shape the values of diverse communities.