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An efficient pipeline was created to bring new life to end-of-life computer equipment from Berea College that would otherwise be recycled. With the cooperation of the IS&S/TRC, the Office for Sustainability, the Computer Science Program, and the Grow Appalachia/Appalachian Fund network of partners, usable computing technologies can be cost-effectively prepared for donation and use beyond Berea’s campus.

STARS Computing Corps

Berea College is a member of the Students and Technology in Academia, Research, and Service (STARS) Computing Corps, a national non-profit aimed at broadening participation in computing. Each year, the STARS Computing Corps engages undergraduate students in outreach and service to help promote diversity and inclusion of all people in computing. Students who serve in the corps are eligible to attend the annual STARS Celebration Conference. If you would like to participate in the STARS Computing Corps at Berea College, contact the Academic Liaison, Dr. Scott Heggen.

Student Software Development Team

The Student Software Development Team is a program through the Labor Program at Berea College designed to help the Berea College community identify inefficiencies in their processes, and develop technical solutions to address those problems. The team helps Berea College units identify their needs and develop software solutions to solve their problem. To date, the team has created nine software applications which are actively used by the Berea College community, including the Labor Status Forms system, the Berea College Syllabus Repository, and the SKYZ Chemical Inventory system. For more information on the team, contact the Student Software Development Team Leader, Dr. Scott Heggen .